5 Ways To Fix DJI Battery Signal Error (Mavic, Phantom, Spark)

dji battery signal error

DJI Battery signal error has been a huge issue mostly in DJI Phantom, Mavic, and Spark and users are asking for solutions for signal errors in many forums (including DJI forums) and social media. Personally, I also have faced this issue and was able to fix the issue after following some simple steps. So I … Read more

6 Ways To Fix DJI Downward Vision Sensor Error (Phantom, Mavic, Spark)

dji downward vision sensor error

When I was scrolling through DJI forums I saw that many DJI users are struggling with the DJI downward vision sensor error, especially phantom users. So I thought it would be helpful if there is any article addressing the downward vision sensor error. So with my own experiences and accumulated information from many forums and … Read more

6 Ways To Fix DJI Backward Vision Sensor Calibration Error (Mavic, Phantom)

backward vision sensor calibration error

DJI Backward vision sensor calibration error is another common error related to the vision sensors. I have seen many DJI Mavic and Phantom users asking for solutions on many DJI forums. Vision sensors (including backward sensors) are so important for a safe flight. Therefore the backward vision sensor error can’t be ignored. I also went … Read more

7 Ways To Fix DJI Forward Vision Sensor Error (Mavic, Phantom, Spark)

dji forward vision sensor error

DJI forward vision sensor error is the most common error that related to vision sensors. Also, many DJI drone users are asking for solutions for the forward sensor error in many DJI forums. Therefore I’m writing this article about the causes of DJI forward sensor error and how to fix the DJI forward vision sensor … Read more

6 Ways To Fix DJI IMU Error (Mavic, Phantom, Inspire, Spark)

dji imu error

DJI IMU error is so common in almost every DJI drone. The IMU which stands for Inertial Measurement Unit is a combination of four components which are Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Thermometer, and Barometer. The IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) is responsible for collecting surroundings data, analyzing surroundings, stabilizing the drone, and collecting data for taking special actions. … Read more

5 Ways To Fix DJI ESC Status Error (Mavic, Phantom, Inspire, Spark)

dji esc status error

DJI ESC status error has been another major error that almost every DJI user could face. ESC component which stands for Electronic Speed Controller is the unit that is responsible for controlling the speed of the motors. Therefore it does a huge role in stabilizing the drone. When going through almost every model of DJI … Read more