(UPDATED) DJI Air 2s Troubleshooting (Why, How to Fix)

DJI Air 2s is my favorite drone from DJI. When I was reading in DJI forums I found that many DJI Air 2s users have encountered different problems with the drone. Also, there are not that many problems with DJI Air 2s compared to other drones. Most of the problems are so common to almost every drone and I also have faced them.

Therefore I got almost all the problems that I have faced and fixed them to write a whole article about DJI Air 2s troubleshooting. Hope this article would help with solving your Air 2s problem.

Common Problems With DJI Air 2s.

  • Problem 1: DJI Air 2s not connecting to the controller.
  • Problem 2: DJI Air 2s not turning on.
  • Problem 3: DJI Air 2s not moving sideways.
  • Problem 4: DJI Air 2s won’t take off.
  • Problem 5: DJI Air 2s not recognizing SD card.
  • Problem 6: DJI Air 2s battery not charging.
  • Problem 7: DJI Air 2s Zoom function disappeared.

Problem 1: DJI Air 2s not connecting to the controller.

More often DJI Air 2s won’t connect to the controller because of insufficiently charged batteries, outdated firmware, and unpaired Air2s aircraft. Besides that, be sure to keep your DJI Air 2s aircraft and controller in the latest firmware or an equal version of firmware. Because if your DJI Air 2s aircraft and controller have different firmware installed in them, they won’t connect or pair together.


  • If the DJI Air 2s aircraft indicator LEDs keep blinking yellow, that means the aircraft has unlinked from the controller and requires linking.  Visit the camera view of the DJI Fly app and click on the three dots at the top right corner. Then go to the control section and scroll all the way down and click “Connect to Aircraft”. Then hold the aircraft power button for approximately four seconds. Once both are linked, the camera view would be displayed on the screen.
  • If you replaced the Mavic Air 2s controller or aircraft pair them first.
  • Charge Air 2s aircraft battery and controller to a sufficient level (above 50%). Low battery power could down the connection between the Air 2s aircraft and the controller.
  • Update Air 2s Firmware. Read how to update Air 2s firmware.
  • Keep the DJI Air 2s aircraft and controller in an equal firmware version. As I mentioned before the Air 2s aircraft and controller need to be in the same firmware. I have seen that DJI also stated this fact in their DJI tutorial videos.

Read Detailed Article: Why Drone not connecting to the controller and how to fix it.

Problem 2: DJI Air 2s not turning on.

In most cases, DJI Air 2s won’t turn on because of DJI intelligent safety features and battery glitches. For instance, if you left your Air 2s inside a closed warm room or place the battery would shut down temporarily to save the battery from damage when it exceeded its maximum temperature range. Also, DJI battery glitches like outdated firmware and damaged battery cells could cause the issue.


  • If you left the DJI Air 2s in a closed warm room or place like an inside a car, take the battery out and leave it in an open area or airflow to cool. The ideal temperature range is between 71.6°F and 86°F (22°C to 30°C).
  • If the battery is cold (under 4°C, 39.2 °F) give it a few minutes to warm up. The Air 2s might need some time to warm up the battery to an ideal temperature.
  • Check whether the DJI Air 2s battery has gone into hibernation mode. If the DJI Air 2s battery indication LEDs are solid red and nothing changed after connecting to the charger it might have gone into hibernation mode. Turn on the battery and wait until the solid red light goes out. Then connect the battery to the charger and plug it and leave it a few hours to come out from hibernation mode and start charging.
  • Update the DJI Air 2s battery firmware. Insert the glitched battery inside the aircraft and upgrade the firmware. it would automatically upgrade the battery’s firmware.

Read the Detailed Article: Why Drone Won’t turn on and how to fix it.

Problem 3: DJI Air 2s not moving sideways.

The most common reason why DJI Air 2s not flying sideways is because of enabling the “Disable sideways flight” option in the DJI Fly app by accidentally by the user. I have seen many incidents related to that. So they just have to disable the option in the DJI Fly app. Also if your Air 2s firmware is outdated, it might cause this.


  • Turn off the “Disable sideways flight” option. Open the DJI Fly app and enter to the camera view. Then hit on the 3 little dot in the upper right corner of the fly app. Then go to the “Safety” tab and check whether the “Disable Sideways Flight” is turned on. If it is turn off it.
  • Upgrade the Air 2s firmware.

Problem 4: DJI Air 2s won’t take off.

In most cases, DJI Air 2s refuse to take off because of miscalibrated IMU & compass, no fly/ geofenced zones, and DJI battery malfunctions. But the weird thing is some users unable to take off the DJI Air 2s even though every propeller is spinning at sufficient speed. If you are also facing this weird scenario, you might have installed propellers in the wrong pattern.


  • If the DJI Air 2s Aircraft indicators are blinking yellow, it probably has unlinked from the controller and waiting for linking. So open the DJI Fly app and click on the three dots at the top right corner of the camera view. Click on the control section and scroll all the way down and click “Connect to Aircraft”. Then hold the aircraft power button for approximately four seconds. Once both are linked, the aircraft indicators would blink green.
  • Calibrate DJI Air 2s IMU & Compass. Well-calibrated IMU and compass are so important components when it comes to stable and safe flight. If the system detects miscalibrated IMU or compass, it would refuse to take off. Read this article to figure out How to calibrate DJI Air2s.
  • Update DJI Air 2s Firmware. 
  • Install propellers in the proper pattern. This fact needs to be emphasized because many users face this issue by installing the propellers in the wrong pattern.
  • Check whether you are in a Geofenced area. If the DJI Air 2s in a geofenced area, the DJI Fly app would notify you. Also, you would be able to take off the aircraft by giving the required information DJI Fly prompts ask.

Read the Detailed Article: Why DJI Air 2s won’t take off and how to fix it.

Problem 5: DJI Air 2s not recognizing SD card.

Most of the time DJI Air 2s refuse to recognize SD card because of incompatible SD cards, formatted in the SD card in a different format instead “FAT32”, malware, and corrupted SD cards. Also, firmware issues of the Air 2s could cause the issue while there is a huge probability that the SD card becomes the issue.


  • Check whether your SD card is compatible with the DJI Air 2s. Read a detailed article about DJI Air 2s SD card from my fellow Cultofdrone.
  • Repair the SD card using the Windows command prompt. Connect the SD card to the PC and open the command prompt. Then type “chkdsk” and leave a space and specify the SD card driver letter (Ex: chkdsk D). and hit enter. Once the process is done the sd card is repaired.
  • Format the SD card. Formatting the SD card resets all the settings and ready the SD card to use a new purpose. Connect your SD card to your PC and enter File Explorer. Then right-click on the SD card driver and select the format option. Wait a few seconds until it’s done.
  • Scan the SD card using Antivirus Program. If you can suspect that the SD card might is virus-infected, it’s better to scan your SD card.
  • Update DJI Air 2s Firmware. Firmware is the software that manages all the actions inside the drone, including storing data on an SD card. So if you haven’t updated your firmware for while it might have outdated and causing this kind of issue. Also, bugs in current firmware could cause this.

Read Detailed Article: Why drone not recognizing SD card and how to fix it.

Problem 6: DJI Air 2s battery not charging.

Usually, the DJI Air 2s battery refuses to get charged because of insufficient output voltage or amperage of the charger, outdated battery firmware, faulty or broken charger, improper battery temperature, and damaged battery cells. If you have stored the DJI intelligent battery for a long time and facing this issue, the battery might have gone into hibernation mode.


  • If the DJI Air 2s battery is warm, leave it an airflow to cool.
  • Plug the charger into a power outlet with the required voltage and amperage as the input to the charger.  Usually, the DJI battery charger input voltage is around 100 – 240 V and the amperage is 1.4 A.
  • Update DJI Air 2s battery firmware. Upgrade the DJI Air 2s firmware while keeping the battery inside.
  • Check whether the battery has gone into hibernation mode. If the battery LEDs are red once the battery is turned on and connected to the charger, the battery has gone into hibernation mode. disconnect from the charger and turn on the battery and wait until the red LEDs fade away. Then connect it to the charger let it to come out from the hibernation mode and get charged.
  • Check whether the charger is Faulty or broken. Check whether the outputs of the charger satisfy 12V 1.5 A / 9V 2A / 5V 3A.
  • If the battery cells are damaged, swollen, or reached 300 – 500 charging cycles it might be the time to replace the battery.

Read Detailed Article: Why drone not charging and how to fix it.

Problem 7: DJI Air 2s Zoom function disappeared.

When I was researching on this problem I found that most people face issues when they haven’t updated the DJI Air 2s firmware and the DJI Fly app. So I think outdated firmware is the main reason for the issue.


  • Update the DJI Air 2s firmware. As I said before, this could be an effect of outdated firmware. So if you have outdated firmware, update it to the latest version.
  • Update DJI Fly App. Because having an outdated DJI Fly app version also could cause for disappearing Zoom function.

Forum Source: DJI Forums.

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